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发布者: [发表时间]:2018-12-20 [来源]: [浏览次数]:







IEEE transactions on Automatic Control

Semi-Global Consensus of Nonlinear Second-Order Multi-Agent Systems With Measurement Output Feedback

Fan, M. C., Chen, Z., & Zhang, H. T.

vol.59(8),pp: 2222-2227.


IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

Adaptive Failure Compensation Control for Uncertain Systems With Stochastic Actuator Failures

Fan, H., Liu, B., Shen, Y., & Wang, W.

vol.59(3),pp: 808-814.


IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

Consensus Acceleration in a Class of Predictive Networks

Zhang, H. T., & Chen, Z.

vol.25(10),pp: 1921-1927.


IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

Lagrange Stability of Memristive Neural Networks With Discrete and Distributed Delays

Wu, A., & Zeng, Z.

vol.25(4),pp: 690-703.


IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics

How Much Control is Enough for Network Connectivity Preservation and Collision Avoidance?

Chen, Z., Fan, M. C., & Zhang, H. T.

vol. 45, no. 8


IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology

Algorithms and Experiments on Flocking of Multiagents in a Bounded Space

Chen, Z., Zhang, H. T., Fan, M. C., Wang, D., & Li, D.

vol.22(4),pp: 1544-1549.


Acta Mathematica Scientia

An adaptive membrane algorithm for solving combinatorial optimization problems

Juanjuan, H. E., Jianhua, X. I. A. O., & Zehui, S. H. A. O.

vol.34(5),pp: 1377-1394.


Advances in Neural Networks

Generalized Regression Neural Networks with K-Fold Cross-Validation for Displacement of Landslide Forecasting

Jiang, P., Zeng, Z., Chen, J., & Huang, T.

pp. 533-541


Applied Mathematics and Computation

Switching controllability of discrete-time multi-agent systems with multiple leaders and time-delays

Liu, B., Su, H., Li, R., Sun, D., & Hu, W.

vol.228,pp: 571-588.


Applied Mathematics and Computation

Adaptive pinning cluster synchronization of fractional-order complex dynamical networks

Wang, G. S., Xiao, J. W., Wang, Y. W., & Yi, J. W.

vol.231,pp: 347-356.


Applied Mathematics and Computation

Formation tracking of the second-order multi-agent systems using position-only information via impulsive control with input delays

Wang, Y. W., Liu, M., Liu, Z. W., & Yi, J. W.

vol.246,pp: 572-585.


Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing

Input-to-State Stability of Memristive Neural System with Time Delays

Wu, A., & Zeng, Z.

vol.33(3),pp: 681-698.


Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing

Robust Exponential Stabilization of Uncertain Complex Switched Networks with Time-Varying Delays

Xiao, J., & Zeng, Z.

vol.33(4),pp: 1135-1151.


Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat

Second-order cluster consensus of multi-agent dynamical systems with impulsive effects

Wang, G., & Shen, Y.

vol.19(9),pp: 3220-3228.


Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat

Event-based control for memristive systems

Wen, S., Zeng, Z., & Huang, T.

vol.19(10),pp: 3431-3443.


Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

Bipartite flocking for multi-agent systems

Fan, M. C., Zhang, H. T., & Wang, M.

vol.19(9),pp: 3313-3322.


Control Theory & Applications, IET

Brief Paper - Exponential stability of impulsive positive systems with mixed time-varying delays

Wang, Y. W., Zhang, J. S., & Liu, M.

vol.8(15),pp: 1537-1542.


Decision and Control

Robust perturbed output regulation and its application to synchronization of nonlinear heterogeneous multi-agents

Chen, X., Chen, Z., & Zhang, H. T.

pp. 4715-4720


Fertility and Sterility

Variability in the morphologic assessment of human sperm: use of the strict criteria recommended by the World Health Organization in 2010

Wang, Y., Yang, J., Jia, Y., Xiong, C., Meng, T., Guan, H., ... & Yuchi, M.

vol。101(4), pp。945-949.


IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

Adaptive Synchronization of Memristor-Based Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays

Wang, L., Shen, Y., Yin, Q., & Zhang, G.

vol. 26, no. 9


IET Control Theory & Applications

Consensus in Markovian jump second-order multi-agent systems with random communication delay

Yi, J. W., Wang, Y. W., & Xiao, J. W.

vol.8(16),pp: 1666-1675.


Information Sciences

Path planning for multiple mobile robots under double-warehouse

Ma, Y., Wang, H., Xie, Y., & Guo, M.

vol.278,pp: 357-379.


Information Sciences

Evolutionary membrane computing: A comprehensive survey and new results

Zhang, G., Gheorghe, M., Pan, L., & Pérez-Jiménez, M. J.

vol. 279, 528-551.


International Journal of Electronics and Communications

Curvelet based nonlocal means algorithm for image denoising

Wu, K., Zhang, X., & Ding, M.

vol.68(1),pp: 37-43.


Journal of Applied Mathematics

Implementation of Membrane Algorithms on GPU

Zhang, X., Wang, B., Ding, Z., Tang, J., & He, J.

vol 2014, ID 307617


Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

An ACO-based online routing method for multiple order pickers with congestion consideration in warehouse

Chen, F., Wang, H., Xie, Y., & Qi, C.1-20.

pp: 1-20.


Mathematical Problems in Engineering

A P-Based Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

Niu, Y., He, J., Wang, Z., & Xiao, J.

vol.2014, ID 169481


Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Mobile Robots Path Planning Using the Overall Conflict Resolution and Time Baseline Coordination

Ma, Y., Wang, H., Gan, L., Guo, M., Huang, L., & Zhang, J.

vol.2014, ID 902587


Membrane Computing

Spiking Neural P Systems with Astrocytes Using the Rules in the Exhaustive Mode

ong, Y., & Zhao, D.

pp. 274-283


Neural Comput & Applic

Exponential synchronization of coupled memristive neural networks with time delays

Wang, G., & Shen, Y.

vol.24(6),pp: 1421-1430.


Neural Computation

On Some Classes of Sequential Spiking Neural P Systems

Zhang, X., Zeng, X., Luo, B., & Pan, L.

vol.26(5),pp: 974-997.


Neural Computing and Applications

Analysis and design of winner-take-all behavior based on a novel memristive neural network

Wu, A., Zeng, Z., & Chen, J.

vol.24(7-8), pp: 1595-1600.


Neural Computing and Applications

Ensemble of extreme learning machine for landslide displacement prediction based on time series analysis

Lian, C., Zeng, Z., Yao, W., & Tang, H.

vol.24(1),pp: 99-107.


Neural Computing and Applications

Global robust stability of uncertain delayed neural networks with discontinuous neuron activation

Xiao, J., & Zeng, Z.

vol. 24(5), pp.1191-1198.


Neural Networks

Global Mittag-Leffler stability and synchronization of memristor-based fractional-order neural networks

Chen, J., Zeng, Z., & Jiang, P.

vol.51,pp: 1-8.


Neural Networks

Exponential synchronization of delayed memristor-based chaotic neural networks via periodically intermittent control

Zhang, G., & Shen, Y.

vol.55,pp: 1-10.


Neural Networks

Data Mining Paradigm Based on Functional Networks with Applications in Landslide Prediction

Wu, A., Zeng, Z., & Fu, C.

pp. 2826-2830


Neural Networks

Implementation of memristive neural networks with spikerate-dependent plasticity synapses

Zhang, Y., Zeng, Z., & Wen, S.

pp. 2226-2233


Neural Networks

Global exponential almost periodicity of a delayed memristor-based neural networks

Chen, J., Zeng, Z., & Jiang, P.

vol.60,pp: 33-43.


Neural Networks

Performance of combined artificial neural networks for forecasting landslide displacement

Lian, C., Zeng, Z., Yao, W., & Tang, H.

pp. 418-423


Neural Networks

Noise cancellation of memristive neural networks

Wen, S., Zeng, Z., Huang, T., & Yu, X.

vol.60,pp: 74-83.


Neural Processing Letters

Passivity Analysis of Delayed Neural Networks with Discontinuous Activations

Xiao, J., Zeng, Z., & Shen, W.

pp: 1-18.


Neural Processing Letters

Synchronization Analysis of Coupled Stochastic Neural Networks with On–Off Coupling and Time-Delay

Wang, G., Shen, Y., & Yin, Q.

pp: 1-15.


Neural regeneration research

Changes in brain functional network connectivity after Stroke

Li, W., Li, Y., Zhu, W., & Chen, X.

vol.9(1),pp: 51.



New criteria for exponential stability of delayed recurrent neural networks

Xiao, J., Zeng, Z., & Wu, A.

vol.134,pp: 182-188.



A real-time EMG pattern recognition method for virtual myoelectric hand control

Xing, K., Yang, P., Huang, J., Wang, Y., & Zhu, Q.

vol.136,pp: 345-355.



Point process analysis in brain networks of patients with diabetes

Li, W., Li, Y., Hu, C., Chen, X., & Dai, H.

vol.145,pp: 182-189.


Nonlinear Dynamics

Observer-based synchronization of memristive systems with multiple networked input and output delays

Wen, S., Zeng, Z., & Huang, T.

vol.78(1),pp: 541-554.



Mean-risk analysis of radio frequency identification technology in supply chain with inventory misplacement: Risk-sharing and coordination

Chen, S., Wang, H., Xie, Y., & Qi, C.

vol.46,pp: 86-103.



International Journal for Light and Electron Optics - Deep learning based classification of focal liver lesions with contrast-enhanced ultrasound

Wu, K., Chen, X., & Ding, M.

vol.125(15),pp: 4057-4063.



International Journal for Light and Electron Optics-Decision-based adaptive morphological filter for fixed-value impulse noise removal

Feng, J., Ding, M., & Zhang, X.

vol.125(16),pp: 4288-4294.


Poster Session

The design of split row-column addressing array for 2D transducer

Jia, Y., Lv, L., Ding, M., & Yuchi, M.

pp. 90401I-90401I


Robotics and Autonomous Systems

Nonlinear disturbance observer based sliding mode control of a human-driven knee joint orthosis

Mohammed, S., Huo, W., Huang, J., Rifaï, H., & Amirat, Y.


Scientific Reports

Route-dependent switch between hierarchical and egalitarian strategies in pigeon flocks

Zhang, H. T., Chen, Z., Vicsek, T., Feng, G., Sun, L., Su, R., & Zhou, T.

Scientific reports,4.


Signal Processing

Nonlocal means method using weight refining for despeckling of ultrasound images

Zhan, Y., Ding, M., Wu, L., & Zhang, X.

vol.103,pp: 201-213.


Signal Processing

Reliable H∞ filtering for neutral systems with mixed delays and multiplicative noises

Wen, S., Zeng, Z., & Huang, T.

vol.94,pp: 23-32.


Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory

A hybrid multicast–unicast assignment approach for data distribution management in HLA

Wang, J., & Zheng, T.

vol.40,pp: 39-63.


Soft Computing

A novel membrane algorithm for capacitated vehicle routing problem

Niu, Y., Wang, S., He, J., & Xiao, J.

vol.19(2),pp: 471-482.


Theoretical Computer Science

Spiking neural P systems with rules on synapses

Song, T., Pan, L., & Păun, G.

vol.529,pp: 82-95.


Theoretical Computer Science

Time-free solution to SAT problem using P systems with active membranes

Song, T., Macías-Ramos, L. F., Pan, L., & Pérez-Jiménez, M. J.

vol.529,pp: 61-68.