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发布者: [发表时间]:2018-12-20 [来源]: [浏览次数]:








A remark on collective circular motion of heterogeneous multi-agents

Chen, Z., & Zhang, H. T.

vol.49(5), pp: 1236-1241.



New criteria on asymptotic behavior of neutral stochastic functional differential equations

Song, Y., & Shen, Y.

vol.49(2), pp: 626-632.


IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

New Algebraic Criteria for Synchronization Stability of Chaotic Memristive Neural Networks With Time-Varying Delays

Zhang, G., & Shen, Y.

vol.24(10), pp.1701-1707.


IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology

Nonlinear Disturbance Observer-Based Dynamic Surface Control for Trajectory Tracking of Pneumatic Muscle System

Wu, J., Huang, J., Wang, Y., & Xing, K.

vol.22(2), pp: 440-455.


IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Tecnology

Applications of Collective Circular Motion Control to Multirobot Systems

Zhang, H. T., Chen, Z., Yan, L., & Yu, W.

vol.21(4),pp: 1416-1422.


IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics

Analysis of Joint Connectivity Condition for Multiagents With Boundary Constraints

Chen, Z., & Zhang, H. T.

vol.43(2),pp: 437-444.


IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

Semiglobal Observer-Based Leader-Following Consensus With Input Saturation

Su, H., Chen, M. Z., Wang, X., & Lam, J.

vol.61(6), pp: 2842-2850.


IEEE Transactions on Magnetics

A Novel Mat-Based System for Position-Varying Wireless Power Transfer to Biomedical Implants

Xu, Q., Wang, H., Gao, Z., Mao, Z. H., He, J., & Sun, M.

vol.49(8),pp: 4774-4779.


IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

Multistability of Two Kinds of Recurrent Neural Networks With Activation Functions Symmetrical About the Origin on the Phase Plane

Zeng, Z., & Zheng, W. X.

vol.24(11),pp: 1749-1762.


Abstract and Applied Analysis

Dynamic Average Consensus and Consensusability of General Linear Multiagent Systems with Random Packet Dropout

Zhou, W. M., & Xiao, J. W.

vol.2013, ID 412189


Advances in Neural Networks

Displacement Prediction Model of Landslide Based on Functional Networks

Chen, J., Zeng, Z., & Tang, H.

pp. 630-637


Applied Mathematical Modelling

The impact of stock-dependent demand on supply chain dynamics

Wei, Y., Wang, H., & Qi, C.

vol.37(18), pp.8348-8362.


Applied Mathematics and Computation

Observer-based H∞ control of discrete time-delay systems with random communication packet losses and multiplicative noises

Wen, S., Zeng, Z., & Huang, T.

vol.219(12),pp: 6484-6493.


Applied Mathematics Letters

New discrete Halanay-type inequalities and applications

Song, Y., Shen, Y., & Yin, Q.

vol. 26(2), 258-263.


Asian Journal of Control

Robust Fault-Tolerant Control of Launch Vehicle Via GPI Observer and Integral Sliding Mode Control

Zhao, D. J., Wang, Y. J., Liu, L., & Wang, Z. S.

vol.15(2), 614-623.


Asian Journal of Control

Reliable H ∞ Filtering for Mixed Time-Delay Systems with Stochastic Nonlinearities and Multiplicative Noises

Wen, S. P., Zeng, Z. G., & Huang, T. W.

vol. 15(2), pp.583-593.


Circuits Syst Signal Process

Robust Passivity and Passification for a Class of Singularly Perturbed Nonlinear Systems with Time-Varying Delays and Polytopic Uncertainties via Neural Networks

Wen, S., Zeng, Z., Huang, T., & Bao, G.

vol. 32(3), pp.1113-1127.


Circuits Syst Signal Process

Observer-Based H∞ Synchronization and Unknown Input Recovery for a Class of Digital Nonlinear Systems

Zhang, W., Su, H., Zhu, F., & Wang, M.

vol. 32(6), pp.2867-2881.


Cogn Comput

Deformation Prediction of Landslide Based on Improved Back-propagation Neural Network

Chen, H., & Zeng, Z. (2013)

vol. 5(1), 56-62.


Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat

Anti-synchronization control of a class of memristive recurrentneural networks

Wu, A., & Zeng, Z.

vol. 18(2), pp.373-385.


Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

Exponential synchronization of complex dynamical networks with markovian jump parameters and stochastic delays and its application to multiagent systems

Yi, J. W., Wang, Y. W., Xiao, J. W., & Huang, Y.

vol.18(5), pp.1175-1192.


Computers & Industrial Engineering

An ant colony optimization routing algorithm for two order pickers with congestion consideration

Chen, F., Wang, H., Qi, C., & Xie, Y.

vol. 66(1), 77-85.


Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Vascular Tree Segmentation in Medical Images Using Hessian-Based Multiscale Filtering and Level Set Method

Jin, J., Yang, L., Zhang, X., & Ding, M.

vol.2013, ID 502013


Electronics letters

SUSAN controlled decay parameter adaption for non-local means image denoising

Zhan, Y., Zhang, X. M., & Ding, M. Y.

vol.49(13), pp.807-808.


Franklin Institude

Passivity analysis of memristor-based recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays 2013-ISA Transactions-Observer-based HN control of a class of mixed delay systems with random data losses and stochastic nonlinearities

Wen, S., Zeng, Z., Huang, T., & Chen, Y.

vol. 350(8), pp.2354-2370.


Frontiers of Computer Science

Reversible spiking neural P systems

Song, T., Shi, X., & Xu, J.

vol. 7(3), pp.350-358.


Information Sciences

Asynchronous spiking neural P systems with local synchronization

Song, T., Pan, L., & Păun, G.

vol.219, pp.197-207.


International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science

Research frontiers of membrane computing: open problems and research topics

Gheorghe, M., PĂUN, G., Pérez-Jiménez, M. J., & Rozenberg, G.

vol.24(05), pp.547-623.


International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.

Passivity and passification of stochastic impulsive memristor-based piecewise linear system with mixed delays

Wen, S. P., Zeng, Z. G., Huang, T. W., & Li, C. J.

vol.25, pp.610-624


Journal of Applied Mathematics

Adaptive Synchronization of Complex Dynamical Networks Governed by Local Lipschitz Nonlinearlity on Switching Topology

Liu, B., Wang, X., Gao, Y., Xie, G., & Su, H.

vol.2013,ID 818242,


Journal of Applied Mathematics

Solving Vertex Cover Problem Using DNA Tile Assembly Model

Chen, Z., Song, T., Huang, Y., & Shi, X.

vol.2013,ID 407816


Journal of Electronic Imaging

Nonlocal-means-based smallest univalue segment assimilating nucleus edge detector

Zhan, Y., Ding, M., & Zhang, X.

vol. 22(1), pp.013023-013023.


Journal of the Franklin Institute

Robust probabilistic sampling H1 output tracking

control for a class of nonlinear networked systems

with multiplicative noises

Wen, S., Zeng, Z., & Huang, T.

vol. 350(5), pp.1093-1111.


Journal of the Franklin Institute

Stochastic suppression and stabilization of nonlinear differential systems with general decay rate

Song, Y., Yin, Q., Shen, Y., & Wang, G.

vol. 350(8), pp.2084-2095.


MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.

A Dynamic Membrane Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving DNA Sequences Design with Minimum Free Energy

Xiao1j, J. H., Jiang, Y., He, J. J., & Cheng4j, Z.

vol.70, pp.987-1004


Microwave Magazine, IEEE

Batteries Not Included: A Mat-Based Wireless Power Transfer System for Implantable Medical Devices As a Moving Target

Xu, Q., Gao, Z., Wang, H., He, J., Mao, Z. H., & Sun, M.

vol.14(2), pp.63-72.



Respiratory motion compensation algorithm of ultrasound hepatic perfusion data acquired in free-breathing

Wu, K., Zhang, X., Chen, G., Weng, F., & Ding, M.

pp. 89200I-89200I


Natural Hazards

Displacement prediction model of landslide based on a modified ensemble empirical mode decomposition and extreme learning machine

Lian, C., Zeng, Z., Yao, W., & Tang, H.

vol.66(2), pp.759-771.


Neural Computing and Applications

Spiking neural P systems with structural plasticity

Cabarle, F. G. C., Adorna, H. N., Pérez-Jiménez, M. J., & Song, T.

pp: 1-13.


Neural Comput & Applic

Dynamic behaviors of memristor-based delayed recurrent networks

Wen, S., Zeng, Z., & Huang, T.

vol.23(3-4), pp.815-821.


Neural Computing and Applications

Multistability of periodic delayed recurrent neural network with memristors

Bao, G., & Zeng, Z.

vol.23(7-8), pp.1963-1967.


Neural Networks

Global anti-synchronization of a class of chaotic memristive neural networks with time-varying delays

Zhang, G., Shen, Y., & Wang, L.

vol. 46, pp.1-8.


Neural Networks

Global exponential synchronization of memristor-based recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays

Wen, S., Bao, G., Zeng, Z., Chen, Y., & Huang, T.

vol. 48, pp.195-203.


Neural Processing Letters

Associative Learning of Integrate-and-Fire Neurons with Memristor-Based Synapses

Wen, S., Zeng, Z., & Huang, T.

vol.38(1), pp.69-80.



Adaptive second-order consensus of multi-agent systems with heterogeneous nonlinear dynamics and time-varying delays

Liu, B., Wang, X., Su, H., Gao, Y., & Wang, L.

vol. 118, pp.289-300.



Global asymptotic stability of delayed neural networks with discontinuous neuron activations

Xiao, J., Zeng, Z., & Shen, W.

vol.118, pp.322-328.



Deformation prediction of landslide based on functional network

Chen, J., Zeng, Z., Jiang, P., & Tang, H.

vol. 149, pp.151-157.


Nonlinear Dynamics

Passivity analysis of delayed neural networks with discontinuous activations via differential inclusions

Xiao, J., Zeng, Z., Shen, W., & Wu, A.

vol. 74(1-2), 213-225.


Nonlinear Dynamics

Hopf bifurcation of a predator–prey system with predator harvesting and two delays

Zhang, G., Shen, Y., & Chen, B.

vol.73(4), pp.2119-2131.



Sparse non-negative matrix factorizations for ultrasound factor analysis

Chen, X., Wu, K., Ding, M., & Sang, N.

vol.124(23), pp.5891-5897.


Optimal Control Applications and Methods

Observer-based H1control of discrete Markovian jump delaysystems with random packet losses and multiplicative noises

Wen, S., Zeng, Z., Huang, T., & Bao, G.

vol.34(6), pp.728-741.


Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Congestion analysis of traffic networks with direction-dependant heterogeneity

Wang, J., & Wang, L.

vol. 392(2), pp.392-399.


Physics Letters A

Fuzzy modeling and synchronization of different memristor-based chaotic circuits for a class of nonlinear networked systems with multiplicative noises

Wen, S., Zeng, Z., Huang, T., & Chen, Y.

vol. 377(34), pp.2016-2021.



Native Gating Behavior of Ion Channels in Neurons with Null-Deviation Modeling

Wang, W., Luo, J., Hou, P., Yang, Y., Xiao, F., Yuchi, M., ... & Ding, J.

vol.8(12): 10.1371



Two Phase Non-Rigid Multi-Modal Image Registration Using Weber Local Descriptor-Based Similarity Metrics and Normalized Mutual Information-Modal Image Registration Using Weber Local Descriptor-Based Similarity Metrics and Normalized Mutual Information

Yang, F., Ding, M., Zhang, X., Wu, Y., & Hu, J.

vol. 13(6), pp.7599-7617.


Soft Computing

Passivity analysis for delayed discontinuous neural networks

Xiao, J., Zeng, Z., & Shen, W.

vol.17(11), pp.2033-2041.


SPIE Medical Imaging

Medical image fusion based on Spiking Cortical Model

Wang, R., Wu, Y., Ding, M., & Zhang, X.

pp. 867610-867610


SPIE Medical Imaging

3D ultrasound coherence imaging based on 2D array design

Li, X., Li, Y., Xiao, F., Ding, M., & Yuchi, M.

pp. 867518-867518


SPIE Medical Imaging

Hardware system of X-wave generator with simple driving pulses

Li, X., Li, Y., Xiao, F., Ding, M., & Yuchi, M.

pp. 867518-867518


Theoretical Computer Science

Universality of sequential spiking neural P systems based on minimum spike number

Jiang, K., Song, T., & Pan, L.

vol. 499, pp.88-97.