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前沿讲座:Network Resilience and Control

发布者: [发表时间]:2019-12-20 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

报告题目:Network Resilience and Control

报 告 人:高建喜 助理教授(美国伦斯勒理工学院)




ABSTRACT:This talk focuses on how to understand, predict, and ultimately control real-world complex systems in an ever-changing world facing the global challenges of climate change, weather extremes, and other natural and human-induced disasters. I will present our recent works in the field of network science and complex systems: network resilience, and network control. (i) I will show a set of analytical tools with which to identify the natural control and state parameters of a multi-dimensional complex system, helping us derive an effective one-dimensional dynamic that accurately predict the system's resilience. The analytical results unveil the network characteristics that can enhance or diminish resilience, guiding the design of technological systems resilient to both internal failures and environmental changes. (ii) I will present a k-walk theory and greedy algorithm for target control of complex networks, and our recent work on the nonlinear control of complex networks. (iii) Finally, I will use the examples from transportation systems to understand how to apply our framework to real-word systems.

BIO:Dr. Jianxi Gao is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). Prior to joining the Computer Science at RPI, he was a Research Assistant Professor at the Center for Complex Network Research at Northeastern University from 2012, working with Prof. Albert-László Barabási. Dr. Gao got his Ph. D. degree in the Department of Automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University from 2008 to 2012. During his Ph.D. from 2009 to 2012 he visited Prof. H. Eugene. Stanley in Physics department at Boston University, as well as Prof. Shlomo Havlin in Physics department at Bar-Ilan University in 2012. His major contribution includes the theory for robustness of networks of networks and resilience of complex networks. Since 2010, he has published over 30 papers on journals, such as Nature, Nature Physics, Nature Communications, PNAS, Physical Review Letters and more, with over 3,000 citations on Google Scholar. I have been selected as the Editor board of Nature Scientific Reports, distinguished referee of EPL (2014-2016) and Elsevier (2016), and referee of Science, nature communications, nature system biology, PNAS, PRL, PRX and more. His publications were reported over 60 times by international public and professional media.